How The Collaborative Divorce Process Works and Its Benefits

Couple talking to divorce lawyer

When the time has come to begin divorce proceedings, hopefully you and your spouse will research the various options available and select a process that helps finalize your divorce quickly, fairly, and in the most harmonious way, minimizing damage to your family.

The Collaborative divorce process offers a great option to meet the needs of many families.

The collaborative divorce process offers a format for both clients and their lawyers to voluntarily opt out of the traditional court-mandated process to resolve their differences in an informal atmosphere of dialogue.

There are many benefits to families who utilize collaborative divorce process:

  • This process dictates full disclosure.
  • The collaborative team includes several experts:
    • A neutral financial planner and mental health professionals, to address the financial, emotional, and parenting issues in your divorce.
  • This process allows each party to maintain respect and dignity for each other throughout the entire process.
  • The final resolution is personalized to your family’s unique needs.
  • Saves time and money.
  • Helps deter the need for your children to “pick sides.”

These are just some of the benefits that can be achieved by utilizing the collaborative divorce process.

Our team of experts is comprised of experienced, licensed and trained attorneys, mental health professionals and financial neutrals

Let our team of experts at Family Divorce Solutions explain the process of how the collaborative divorce process works and its benefits over traditional divorce court proceedings.

At Family Divorce Solutions, we take great care in helping families that are going through divorce find ways to work together!

Contact us today to see how we can help you begin the collaborative divorce process to help you and your spouse stay out of court.

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/ or medical advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, medical or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.

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