How Divorce Impacts Children with Special Needs

By admin | July 17, 2019

Going through a separation is never easy! When you have children involved, the stress levels increase much more, but when you are parenting a child with special needs, the stress goes even higher. It’s hard to understand the walk of special needs parents and their daily struggles. When you add divorce to the mix, these…

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How to Avoid Using Kids as Weapons in Divorce Proceedings?

By admin | July 9, 2019
girl sitting on ground sad

One of the saddest things observed during divorce proceedings is parents using kids as weapons against the other. The ugly custody battle between Hollywood stars, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is a case in point. Thank goodness the ugly and prolonged legal battle for the custody of kids is over in this case. Litigated divorce…

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Giving Up Your Job for Family and then Facing Divorce Proceedings

By admin | June 25, 2019
mother with her children watching on ipad

Women are the most likely to give up their successful careers to take care of their kids or move to accommodate the better career prospects of their husbands. They give up their promising careers and when they get divorced, they have nothing to fall back on. When there is a marriage split, most times these…

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How does divorce affect your credit?

By admin | June 12, 2019

One of the things that may change quickly and dramatically during your divorce is your credit score. It may begin to plummet if you are not taking some proactive steps to protect it. But knowing where to start may be a daunting and confusing task. Here are some ways you can protect your credit score…

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Why We Collaborate: How Practicing Collaboration Benefits Clients

By admin | May 29, 2019

By Ty Supancic, Esq. Our Primary Goal The Law Collaborative’s primary goal is to become masters and innovators in the techniques and practices of Consensual Dispute Resolution (CDR). We purposefully use the term Consensual Dispute Resolution instead of the more prevalent Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) because the term “alternative” could be construed as pejorative: the…

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Tips to Help Your Children Through Your Divorce

By admin | April 22, 2019
Tips to help your children through your divorce - Family Divorce Solutions - divorce, children of divorce, co-parenting, collaborative divorce - Copyright: akz / 123RF Stock Photo

When you find your family going through a divorce, emotions run high and patience can be at an all-time low. Some parents and well-meaning family members are not aware of the long-term, life-changing effects divorce can have on the children in the family, no matter how young or old. Here are some tips to help…

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Women Taking Control and Re-entering the Workforce after a Divorce

By admin | March 20, 2019
divorce lawyer professional

It is often the woman who finds herself in a financial quandary after divorce.  She may not have a strong grasp of her current and future finances, and she may need to start generating income by returning to the workforce, as losing most of her partner’s income has substantially changed her financial landscape. Women leave…

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The Collaborative Process in a Divorce Will Save You Money in Comparison to the Litigation Process, But Choose Your Professionals Wisely

By admin | February 28, 2019

In a collaborative divorce, both clients are represented by their own attorney. In many instances, it is also recommended that clients hire the services of a neutral financial and one or two mental health professionals (divorce coaches). In the collaborative process, the clients and their attorneys sign an agreement allowing the clients’ divorce professionals to…

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Using Your Children as Leverage During a Divorce Is Harmful!

By admin | February 20, 2019
baby girl draw family house

Many times during a divorce, the “gloves come off” in ways you or your spouse never thought were possible. In strenuous times, people often do things they regret.  Unfortunately, in divorce, it is common to use children as leverage, no matter their age. Some parents are not aware of the long-term, life-altering effects divorce can…

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LGBTQ Divorce and Relationship Dissolution – Chapter 7

By admin | February 12, 2019

Mariette Goldenhuys and I were thrilled to be invited to write a chapter for the book LGBTQ Divorce and Relationship Dissolution.  Initially, we were asked to write separate chapters on mediation and collaborative law, but then the editors decided to consolidate chapters which is now Chapter 7:  Consensual Dispute Resolution with Same-Sex Couples in LGBTQ…

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therapist interviewing couple

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