Angela Bissada talks with Dr. Ilene Claudius about tips to pass on to parents in term of recognizing, preventing and dealing with adolescent depression and other issues. Listen to The Beautiful Podcast on Connecting with Depressed Teens here: Angela Bissada, Psy.D. (818) 489-9820
Read MoreThe collaborative financial neutral often hears from clients how they wish we would sort out, develop, and forecast their financial stability, financial strength and financial wealth. They dissolve and branch into five (5) crucial areas of discussion: The amount of monthly cash flow available to receive from or to pay towards child support and/or spousal…
Read MoreAccording to the Webster Dictionary FORGIVENESS is: to pardon; to cease to bear resentment against, to cancel (as a debt). “Hanging on to resentment lets someone you have problems with live rent free in your head” (anonymous) For most people it is difficult to forgive someone for something that has been done which has hurt…
Read MoreKnowing divorce can be painful, California attorney Donna M. Encinas helped found what is now Family Divorce Solutions of San Fernando Valley. Family Divorce Solutions of San Fernando Valley is an association of professionals who work together to help divorcing couples find peace in and through the separation process. Since graduating from law school and…
Read MoreSome FDS members will present and most FDS members will attend the CPCal Conference in April. On April 27-29th 2018, Jami Fosgate and Kevin Chroman, along with other Family Divorce Solutions members, will be attending the 13th Annual Statewide Collaborative Professionals California Conference in San Mateo, California. On Fri morning, April 27th, Jami Fosgate, JD,…
Read MorePeople going through a divorce might want to keep their marital home, but there are some vital considerations before making this decision. What’s the Financial Impact? Think about the financial impact of keeping your home after divorce. A home is an asset which costs money to maintain and keep every month. Costs like insurance, mortgage,…
Read MoreKevin Chroman of Family Divorce Solutions discusses the benefits of Collaborative Divorce which allows divorcing couples to proceed in a dignified manner, addressing issues such as child custody, support and alimony, division of property and all other aspects of divorce. Kevin has been in practice for over 15 years and has been a member of FDS…
Read MoreHistorically LGBTQ people have not been recognized by the court system nor treated well by the judicial system when recognized. Even though same-sex couples can marry today, many are still hesitant to go to court when getting a divorce. The collaborative divorce process can assist these couples by keeping them out of a courtroom. Many…
Read MoreIn a traditional adversarial divorce, attorneys are pitted against each other, trying to win for their client. You can imagine them fighting to get the largest piece of the pie for their client, regardless of the harm it may cause to the other party or the family as a whole. The goal of winning encourages…
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