Diane Goodman Featured in Daily Journal Article Family Divorce Solutions of San Fernando Valley member Diane Goodman, an Encino based family law specialist in mediation and Collaborative Practice, was featured in the leading Los Angeles legal publication Daily Journal. The Journal article highlights Diane’s expertise, experience and listening skills, which she employs to provide all…
Read MoreResolve Your Trust and Estate Issues Without Going to Court by Douglas Rosner Law Office of Douglas Rosner, Westlake Village, California Do you have a dispute regarding trusts and estates? Why go to court? There is another way. Your family can choose to resolve your trust and estate dispute without going to court by utilizing…
Read MoreWhich Divorce Would You Rather Have? by Michelle Daneshrad, CFL-S Completion Law Firm, Woodland Hills, California Isabelle is standing at the top of a sloping brick driveway. Her sister stands beside her. She is practicing in her mind the words she was trained to say. As her dad’s red SUV finally reaches the front door,…
Read MoreLACFLA Collaborative Family Practice Three Day Training Set for August 10-11-12 10th Annual Collaborative Family Practice Basic Interdisciplinary Three Day Training When: August 10, 11, and 12, 2016 Registration: 8:30 – 9 a.m. Program: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Tuition: $295 CEUs Offered: 17.5 Where: Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, 919 Albany Street, Los Angeles…
Read MoreIn Collaborative Divorce, the attorney’s job is not to undermine opposing counsel, their clients, or their positions. Rather, the lawyer tries to empower his or her own client and foster an environment where everyone including the other spouse can express themselves and reach a settlement in a healthy way.
Read MoreAvoid Self-Justification For A Smoother Divorce by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D., LMFT PeacefulDivorceLA.com, North Hollywood, California The majority of couples who end up getting divorced experience a gradual drift away from each other over the course of their relationship. It usually comes on slowly and gradually through a pattern of blaming the other and…
Read MoreCP Cal’s mission is to unify, strengthen and support the Collaborative Practice community and to increase public awareness of the Collaborative Process for divorce and civil matters throughout California.
Read MoreEngaging Bias in Collaborative Divorce Focus of Presentation North Hollywood, California Bias is a normal and natural part of being human. It can be a shortcut for understanding the world and acts as a warning system allowing us to quickly assess good from bad, and safe from dangerous. It is our mind’s way of creating…
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