In Collaborative Divorce, the attorney’s job is not to undermine opposing counsel, their clients, or their positions. Rather, the lawyer tries to empower his or her own client and foster an environment where everyone including the other spouse can express themselves and reach a settlement in a healthy way.
Read MoreAvoid Self-Justification For A Smoother Divorce by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D., LMFT, North Hollywood, California The majority of couples who end up getting divorced experience a gradual drift away from each other over the course of their relationship. It usually comes on slowly and gradually through a pattern of blaming the other and…
Read MoreCP Cal’s mission is to unify, strengthen and support the Collaborative Practice community and to increase public awareness of the Collaborative Process for divorce and civil matters throughout California.
Read MoreEngaging Bias in Collaborative Divorce Focus of Presentation North Hollywood, California Bias is a normal and natural part of being human. It can be a shortcut for understanding the world and acts as a warning system allowing us to quickly assess good from bad, and safe from dangerous. It is our mind’s way of creating…
Read MoreThe Civil Collaborative Process presents an excellent option for many types of civil disputes, allowing families to settle difficult issues and help create a path forward to provide a healthier family system, without going to court, with the same benefits as Collaborative Divorce: a resolution with less stress and often, depending upon the case, lower costs than litigation.
Read MoreCollaborative Divorce Featured in San Fernando Valley Business Journal The San Fernando Valley’s leading business newspaper featured Collaborative Divorce and Family Divorce Solutions in its recent “Family Law” special section. The San Fernando Valley Business Journal interviewed member Michelle Daneshrad, a family law attorney and Collaborative Divorce practitioner, in a question and answer format article…
Read MoreLoyola Law Students Introduced to Collaborative Practice by Family Divorce Solutions Members Kevin J. Chroman, Esq. and Fred Glassman, Esq. of Family Divorce Solutions of San Fernando Valley gave a presentation on February 11, 2016 introducing the Collaborative Law Clinic to Loyola Law School students. The Collaborative Law Clinic provides students the opportunity to shadow…
Read MoreFamily Divorce Solutions and Civil Collaborative Solutions of San Fernando Valley can apply the Collaborative model in two different ways to estates, probate and trusts: before death, or premortem; and after an individual’s death, or postmortem. The Collaborative Process can save money on taxes and fees while promoting long-term family harmony.
Read MoreLeon F. Bennett named President of Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association (Woodland Hills, California) Family law attorney Leon F. Bennett, has been named President of the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association (LACFLA) for the 2016 term. Bennett is lead counsel for the Law Offices of Leon F. Bennett, based in Woodland Hills, California.…
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