Be Aware of Your Child’s Feelings When Going Through a Divorce

Mother consoling child's feelingWhen a couple decides to start the divorce process, there are so many things to consider, and the most important thing that factors into this process is the children.

Yes, children are resilient, but what they experience through being strong will often live forever in their minds – “the good, the bad and the ugly.”

But, when you use the collaborative divorce process, your children’s mental wellbeing plays a large part in the process and final agreement.

The collaborative divorce process seeks the expertise of neutral financial experts, mental health professionals, and attorneys to work together to create an agreement that includes the children’s emotions and feelings.

As parents, both of you should be aware of your children’s feelings during your divorce, and those feelings are most often kept inside; however, often there are signs your child may be suffering from anxiety or depression due to your divorce. Here are some things to look for:

  • Change in eating habits
  • Sleep routine is different
  • Emotional changes – anger, detached, sullen, shift in their disposition, or edgy
  • Unwillingness to do activities they once did willingly
  • Teens may turn to drugs, smoking or alcohol

If you see any of these changes, reach out to a divorce coach on your collaborative divorce team to evaluate your child’s mental wellbeing. They can also help the child and parents learn proactive ways to deal with the emotions that divorce causes.

Our team at Family Divorce Solutions is comprised of experienced, licensed and trained attorneys, mental health professionals and financial neutrals. Our goal is to get both spouses together and quickly come to a solution without going to court.

For your divorce, you have a choice! You control the choices and the outcome!

Contact us today to see how our team of collaborative divorce experts can help you and your spouse help your children through the divorce process, including their wellbeing.

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or mental health advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, mental health or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.

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