Business Valuations in a Divorce

Paper with business valuation on paper

Dividing assets can be one of the most challenging aspects when you’re going through a divorce, especially if you and your spouse own a business together. Understanding the importance of business valuations in this process is crucial for ensuring a fair divorce agreement. In a collaborative divorce, you can work with financial experts or forensic…

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Why Is a Business Valuation Important During a Divorce?

In this article, Warren Sacks’ firm of White Zuckerman Warsavasky Luna and Hunt posted a blog that talks about the importance of a Business Valuation while going through a divorce.  Even though business valuations are more typical during litigation, it is often helpful to have a valuation prepared while participating in mediation and/or collaborative divorce.…

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How Taxes and Divorce Can Affect Your Business?

Looking upward at skyline building

Your divorce process may feel like you are drinking water from a fire hose – information is coming out in a fast and furious way! And when you have a business to divide, the “water” gets faster and murky. But there is hope when you use the collaborative divorce process. By utilizing this divorce process,…

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