Update on Some CA County Courts
On April 1, the Orange County Superior Court issued Special Administrative Order 3 which said the current Covid 19 stay-at-home orders are NOT a valid excuse to ignore or change custody and visitation orders or limit access to children. Apparently, some parents were using C-19 as an excuse to deny visitation, claiming that stay-at-home orders…
Read MoreWho Keeps the House in the Divorce? – Join Us Divorce Options Workshop, May 29
Are you going through a divorce and wondering who gets to keep the house? Join us May 29 for our next FREE Divorce Options Workshop to get the answer to this question and many more. Learn more about the workshops and register here.
Read MoreIsolating with a Partner During the COVID-19 Pandemic
In March, our entire world turned upside down due to the novel coronavirus. It wasn’t very long until couples who were in the process of separating, leaving or divorcing their partner quickly discovered that quarantining together had many unforeseen pitfalls. As a dispute divorce coach and mental health mediator, here are a few suggestions that…
Read MoreYou Can Divorce Without Leaving Home
It is not necessary to spend tens of thousands of dollars per spouse hiring cut-throat, litigation attorneys and going to court where you can possibly catch COVID-19. In fact, many courts have been shut down during this uncertain time. Instead, YOU CAN STAY HOME and complete the entire divorce process without going to a law…
Read MoreHow the Collaborative Process Can Help Your Divorce During a Pandemic?
Some Courts in the US have closed and some are open for emergency issues only due to the threat of spreading the coronavirus to others. This closure has no doubt moved divorce cases further out for 2020, or even 2021. And due to this closure, couples are exploring other ways to handle their divorce process.…
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