Isolating with a Partner During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In March, our entire world turned upside down due to the novel coronavirus. It wasn’t very long until couples who were in the process of separating, leaving or divorcing their partner quickly discovered that quarantining together had many unforeseen pitfalls. As a dispute divorce coach and mental health mediator, here are a few suggestions that…

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You Can Divorce Without Leaving Home

It is not necessary to spend tens of thousands of dollars per spouse hiring cut-throat, litigation attorneys and going to court where you can possibly catch COVID-19. In fact, many courts have been shut down during this uncertain time. Instead, YOU CAN STAY HOME and complete the entire divorce process without going to a law…

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How Do You Tell Your Partner You’re Ready for A Divorce?

preparing for divorce

Divorce: it’s easily among the most stressful experiences anyone could face in their lifetime, and that stress generally starts long before the actual divorce process. Not only would the initial conversation about divorce be stressful, it can also be intimidating. Here are a few tips to consider when informing your partner that you’re ready for…

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True or False: Is January a High Divorce Month?

For many, the month of January starts off with taking down festive decorations and creating New Year’s resolutions, but did you know divorces are more likely to occur during this month too? Most often, lawyers see their new cases drop off from November and December and then pick up once the holiday celebrations have passed…

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