Using Your Children as Leverage During a Divorce Is Harmful!
Many times during a divorce, the “gloves come off” in ways you or your spouse never thought were possible. In strenuous times, people often do things they regret. Unfortunately, in divorce, it is common to use children as leverage, no matter their age. Some parents are not aware of the long-term, life-altering effects divorce can…
Read MoreTips on How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Divorce
You know in your heart and your mind that it is time to have the complicated and emotionally charged discussion with your spouse about separating and starting the divorce process. Here are some thoughts we like to share with our clients before starting this dialogue with their significant other: Are you 100% sure you want…
Read MoreDivorce Roadblocks
My married friends (as well as myself) complain about how they can’t get their spouses to change certain annoying and undesirable traits, whether it’s a spouse who has to control all the money, or a spouse not being emotionally available, or a spouse that doesn’t do a particularly good job watching the kids, or a…
Read MoreSpotlight on Family Divorce Solutions founder Donna Encinas
Knowing divorce can be painful, California attorney Donna M. Encinas helped found what is now Family Divorce Solutions of San Fernando Valley. Family Divorce Solutions of San Fernando Valley is an association of professionals who work together to help divorcing couples find peace in and through the separation process. Since graduating from law school and…
Read MoreFDS Members Attend CPCal’s Conference April 2018
Some FDS members will present and most FDS members will attend the CPCal Conference in April. On April 27-29th 2018, Jami Fosgate and Kevin Chroman, along with other Family Divorce Solutions members, will be attending the 13th Annual Statewide Collaborative Professionals California Conference in San Mateo, California. On Fri morning, April 27th, Jami Fosgate, JD,…
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