Creating a School Schedule for Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce

Woman looking at phone calendar and calendar

Divorced parents face unique challenges in supporting their children’s academic and emotional well-being as the new school year approaches. Here are key strategies to help you and your children navigate this transition smoothly: Maintain dialogue with your ex-spouse about schedules and events. It is the foundation of co-parenting. Coordinate routines, transportation, and emergency plans before…

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Tips on How to Rebuild Your Life After Divorce

Woman sitting on beach with eyes closed

Navigating life after divorce marks a significant chapter filled with emotions and change. It’s important to approach this period with patience and self-awareness. Collaborative divorce focuses on respectful communication, transparency and mutual agreements, fostering a more amicable process than traditional courtroom battles. The process takes into consideration the mental health needs of everyone, including the…

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How Are Assets Divided in Divorce?

Man holding assets sign

Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally charged process, especially when it comes to dividing your financial assets. In court-litigated cases, this often leads to added stress, complexity, and a great deal of emotion on both sides. However, the collaborative divorce model offers a more amicable and straightforward way to divide your financial assets during…

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Building Trust During Divorce: A Comprehensive Guide

By Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D. I had the pleasure of speaking at the CPCal Celebration in April this year titled ‘Navigating the Turbulent Waters of Divorce.’     Building trust at the CPCAL conference was the topic of my discussion when I participated in a panel on stage. I emphasized the importance of transparency, consistency, follow-through,…

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How Do You Know Your Marriage Is Over?

a couple sitting apart looking upset

Marriage often begins with dreams of forever, but sometimes reality takes a different turn. It can be challenging to recognize when your marriage has reached its end, but here are some signs that can help guide your understanding: Some signs may be: Constantly fantasizing about leaving Feeling overwhelmed by marital negativity Being unable to communicate…

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