Steps To Build Yourself Up During the Divorce Process
Here are four steps you can use to build yourself up during this time and any time you are feeling less than stellar. 1. Be self-aware – Trust your intuition, reasoning and logic. This will help you get into the best possible mindset for problems you may be having. This way you are better prepared…
Read MoreAn Explanation of Collaborative Divorce
We welcome Christian Denmon, Founding Partner , Denmon & Denmon, in Tampa Bay, Florida, as our guest blogger: If you aren’t getting along with your spouse or no longer care for them, it is time to take action. A traditional divorce might not be ideal for your unique situation. An Explanation of Collaborative Divorce A collaborative divorce…
Read MoreManaging High Conflict During a Divorce
Conflict of any kind can be painful and anxiety causing. However, when the conflict involves your spouse, it can be especially painful and disruptive. When the conflict reaches the level of being high conflict the children, other family members and friends are affected. If high conflict occurs during a divorce, it can bring negotiations to a…
Read MoreThe Collaborative Divorce Advantage
In The Collaborative Divorce Advantage, co-author Kevin Chroman, Esq., shares how Collaborative Divorce provides couples with a faster, smarter, kinder, and cheaper divorce. By describing litigated divorce as a prisoner’s dilemma, he deftly illustrates how Collaborative Law provides a healthier alternative that meets divorcing couples needs and goals better.
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