Mediation or Collaborative Divorce? Why Not Both?
Mediation or Collaborative Divorce? Why Not Both?Family Divorce Solutions member Fred Glassman, JD, presents his Medicollab™ Model at Upcoming Conference in Los Angeles Contact: Gayle Lynn Falkenthal, APR 619-997-2494 or gayle@falconvalleygroup.com Sherman Oaks – With the emergence of the Collaborative Law Process, often referred to as Collaborative Divorce, as an option for families over the…
Read MoreCalculating Child Support in Divorce
Calculating Child Support in Divorce by Warren Sacks, CPA, CFF White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna, & Hunt, LLP, Sherman Oaks, California When in a court process or litigation, child support is calculated based upon a formula that includes income, itemized deductions, tax filing status, child support add-ons, and each parent’s percentage of time when they are…
Read MoreA Decade of Smarter Divorce: Collaborative Practice Celebrates 10th Anniversary at Statewide Conference
Divorcing spouses who are tired of aggressive attorney rhetoric should give Family Divorce Solutions or other local practice groups in your area a serious look.
Read MoreWhat is Collaborative Divorce and is it Right For Me?
The ugly truth: in today’s society, roughly half of all marriages end in divorce. The Collaborative Divorce approach can be highly beneficial for many families. Is it right for you?
Read MoreHealing from A Divorce or Breakup
Healing from A Divorce or Breakup by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D., LMFT PeacefulDivorceLA.com, North Hollywood First of all, talk about your loss with people who are willing to listen. You might even want to seek out a licensed therapist to help you through this time. It’s important to let yourself know that you can…
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