What is Co-Mediation?

Woman holding card that says mediation

Co-mediation is often helpful when couples want to avoid court or adversarial litigation and opt to separate using the collaborative divorce process. Not only can marital partners work together in an amicable way using the collaborative divorce model, but they will also have access to various divorce professionals such as divorce coaches, financial neutrals, and…

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The Importance of a Divorce Coach

Couple sitting in front of divorce coach

Often it’s hard for couples to understand when, where or why the communication lines broke down in their marriage. No matter when, how or why it occurred, it is important to find a way to open the lines of communication again. It is a vital step that needs to occur to keep the family unit…

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Digital Assets: How Are They Divided in Divorce?

man holding ipad

Back in the ’70s, the world was a different place, our lives moved at a slower pace, and we didn’t have to worry about so many different things. A family snapshot got as far as a photo frame or album, and you didn’t have to worry that millions could see it in mere seconds. But…

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