Creating a School Schedule for Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce

Woman looking at phone calendar and calendar

Divorced parents face unique challenges in supporting their children’s academic and emotional well-being as the new school year approaches. Here are key strategies to help you and your children navigate this transition smoothly:

Maintain dialogue with your ex-spouse about schedules and events. It is the foundation of co-parenting. Coordinate routines, transportation, and emergency plans before school starts. Create a shared calendar focused solely on your child’s needs. Remember, the ship steers more easily if both people row in the same direction.

It is important to share with your child’s teacher about the divorce, especially what has happened in the last few months. Practice with your child how to answer divorce-related questions they might receive from friends, family, or teachers. Ask your children what worries them about school, listen first, and then help them find a way to work through their concerns.

Strive to maintain consistent routines for activities like waking up, meals, homework, extra-curricular events and bedtime across both households. Stay engaged by showing interest in your child’s school success and sharing information with your ex. It can be very healing when children see their parents working together for them.

Discuss financial responsibilities early, typically with the custodial parent covering school supplies and clothing. Consult each other before making major purchases for the child.

Not only is it important to create a consistent school routine, but it is also important to create a safe space for your children to express their feelings and actively listen to their concerns. Encourage them to seek support from teachers, counselors, or friends if they struggle.

Working with a child life specialist, family therapist, or mental health provider experienced in divorce can benefit you and your children.

Our team at Family Divorce Solutions is a group of well-respected, experienced and trained attorneys, mental health professionals, financial professionals, certified public accountants and child specialists who work as a team using the collaborative divorce process to reach a complete and satisfactory resolution for everyone involved. Contact us today!

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/ or mental health advice. You should work with your attorney or financial or mental health professional to determine what will work best for your situation.