Developing a Healthy Wellbeing During Your Divorce

mindfulness reminder

Experiencing a divorce is extremely stressful; add a global pandemic to the mix and your stress levels can be over the top.  It’s important to stay healthy now more than ever, and we can help with making your divorce less stressful.  Also everything can be done online, safely.

When you utilize a collaborative divorce plan, it can greatly reduce the stress you’re feeling over the divorce.

How? With the collaborative process, you and your family, including your soon to be ex, will typically work with collaborative lawyers and mental health professionals each step of the way, along with a financial neutral. Working with mental health professionals, also called “divorce coaches,” can help you with all areas of stress that you and your family is feeling which in turn will help keep you mentally healthy, and, therefore will help you with your overall health during this difficult time in our world.

While there are many emotional facets of a divorce, we find that when our clients work towards a healthy mental wellbeing, they are more likely to find the divorce process becoming smoother and less stressful.

Here are a few ways that can help you develop a positive emotional wellbeing:

  • Find the joy in the dark moments
    • Journaling about things you are grateful for can be very healing
  • Exercise – even if it is just for a few minutes in your day
  • Define your new purpose – what will your calling be after your divorce is finalized?
  • Expect stumbling blocks during your divorce
  • Develop boundaries with your soon to be ex, your children and other family members

Many times during a divorce, the emotional turmoil that is created can be crippling. With the collaborative divorce process, a mental health professional or divorce coach can minimize the stress during your divorce and rebound during these trying times.

Our Collaborative Mental Health Professionals are available to assist spouses and their families in overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of reaching an agreeable solution.

Family Divorce Solutions is comprised of well-respected, experienced and trained attorneys, mental health professionals, financial professionals, and child specialists who work as a team to reach a complete and satisfactory resolution for everyone involved.

Contact us today to see how we can help you keep your family’s emotional wellbeing intact during your divorce proceedings. All meetings can be done via online conferencing to keep everyone safe during this difficult time.

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or medical advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, medical or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.

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