Family Divorce Solutions Member Lynette Berg Robe Honored With Prestigious Spencer Brandeis Award
Family Divorce Solutions Member Lynette Berg Robe Honored With Prestigious Spencer Brandeis Award
In recognition of her dedicated service to the Family Law community in Los Angeles County, Family Divorce Solutions of San Fernando Valley member Lynette Berg Robe was honored with the 2016 Spencer Brandeis Award by the Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section.
This Award is presented, when deemed merited, to pay tribute to an individual who has had an extraordinary impact upon the advancement of family law by way of creative legal advocacy and commitment to the service of the family law community. It is the highest honor bestowed by the Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section. Robe is among a select group of just two dozen attorneys recognized with award.

(Left to Right) Hon. Kathleen Thompson, Federal Bankruptcy Judge (Ret.), Lynette Berg Robe, and Hon. Thomas Trent Lewis, Judge of the Superior Court of California in Los Angeles. Photo: Leon Bennett
“Our courts are facing great challenges, being underfunded, with 70 percent of the litigants self-represented,” said Robe in her acceptance speech. “Out of court processes such as mediation and Collaborative Law are important in alleviating the pressure that has been created in the courts and in offering parties a generally less expensive and less hostile alternative process.
“All family law attorneys are involved in the same goal of helping clients and families in crisis through a difficult transition, legally and emotionally. We need to respect what each of us has to offer and understand that not every case needs to be treated the same. Some cases need to be litigated, and others need consensual dispute resolution. I have done both and have tried to fit the process to the parties.
“In any family law case, there is usually misery enough to go around, and the attorneys should not be adding to it. My final note: Let’s try to be kinder to each other as we engage in our common enterprise,” concluded Robe.
“Lynette’s award reflects the professional standards of excellence all our members across every discipline strive to achieve on behalf of our clients,” said Warren Sacks, president of Family Divorce Solutions. “We are so pleased to see such a strong advocate of Collaborative Practice recognized by the Los Angeles County Bar Association with this prestigious award.”

Lynette Berg Robe and husband Mike Robe at the Los Angeles County Bar Family Law Section Annual Awards.
A graduate of UCLA Law School, where she was a member of the Law Review, Lynette Berg Robe has many years of experience in Family Law. She has been named a Los Angeles Super Lawyer annually since 2006 and was recognized as one of the “Top 50 Women Lawyers in Los Angeles” from 2010 through 2016.
Lynette Berg Robe has worked tirelessly throughout her legal career to improve the practice of Family Law throughout the State of California. In addition to her membership in Family Divorce Solutions, she is immediate past president of the Association of Certified Family Law Specialists, was a member of the: Board of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, California Chapter, for six years and is a past president of Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Executive Committee. She received the Matthew Rae award from LACBA for being outstanding section chair. She also served on the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association (LACFLA) Board. She has received an AV Preeminent rating from Martindale-Hubbell, the highest possible rating in both legal ability and ethical standards through Peer Review. In 2011, she received the Zephyr Ramsey Award from the Harriet Buhai Center for Family Law for her commitment to access to justice for all.
She also previously served on the Family Law Executive Committee of the State Bar for three years and was editor of the Family Law News in 2007-2008.
Lynette Berg Robe has written numerous articles discussing Family Law matters and has been a speaker at many Family Law continuing education programs. She has one published appeal, In re Marriage of Zimmerman (2010) 183 Cal.App. 4th 900 in which she represented the prevailing party, the Respondent.
Robe is trained in Collaborative Law and offers this as an alternative to divorce litigation to her clients. Robe is an experienced Mediator and has mediated scores of cases successfully over the past two decades. Both Mediation and Collaborative Family Law have the potential benefit of minimizing costs for clients when compared to a litigated divorce, and can help preserve family relationships and minimize the stress of divorce, especially on children. Her extensive professional experience enables her to guide clients through this process in a compassionate and dignified manner.
In addition to mediating litigated matters, she has mediated premarital, cohabitation, and postmarital agreements and estate plans as well, and has recently represented a party in the preparation of a premarital agreement through the Collaborative process. Lynette Berg Robe also serves as a consulting attorney to clients going through Mediation.
Robe received her award in ceremonies held during the Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section Gala Dinner Dance and Installation of Officers on September 24, 2016, at the SLS Hotel, Beverly Hills, California.