FDS Members Attend CPCal’s Conference April 2018
Some FDS members will present and most FDS members will attend the CPCal Conference in April.
On April 27-29th 2018, Jami Fosgate and Kevin Chroman, along with other Family Divorce Solutions members, will be attending the 13th Annual Statewide Collaborative Professionals California Conference in San Mateo, California.
On Fri morning, April 27th, Jami Fosgate, JD, , who is a collaborative family law attorney with Family Divorce Solutions, will be presenting the Motivational Interview (MI) Process. She will be joined by Ria Severance, MA, LMFT and Mary Ann Aronsohn, MA, LMFT to discuss how MI can help clients to recognize their core values, access their own motivation and prepare themselves to be open to the agreement process.
Kevin Chroman, Esq., family law attorney at Family Divorce Solutions, is on the Board of Directors, and serves as the Board’s Secretary for the Collaborative Practice California (CPCal) organization.
By attending this conference, our members will further educate themselves and help raise funds to increase awareness with the general public as to how the collaborative divorce process works.
During this conference, the Family Divorce Solutions members will have a chance to network with others who practice collaborative law.
CPCal’s mission is to unify, strengthen and support the Collaborative Practice community and to increase public awareness of the Collaborative Process throughout California.
Members include collaborative lawyers, mental health practitioners and financial professionals.
This year’s conference topics will be centered on learning and understanding more about “The Roots and Branches of Collaborative Practice.”
Divorce is emotionally and financially difficult for parents and their children. The members of Family Divorce Solutions focus their practice on Collaborative Practice to facilitate agreements between people in conflict to enable them to create a solution that is tailored to their unique family situation.
Our FDS members are looking forward to bringing back a wealth of knowledge and information from the CPCal Conference that we can share with our clients as we help them thru their divorce proceedings using the collaborative law process.
Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or medical advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, medical and tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.