FDS Members to Lead Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Associations’ (LACFLA) 11th Annual Basic Three Day Collaborative Training

11th Annual Basic Three Day Collaborative TrainingFamily Divorce Solutions (FDS) is excited to be the lead firm for a coming three-day training collaborative training session for the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Associations’ (LACFLA) 11th annual conference. The annual meeting is for divorce financial professionals and others involved in family law and divorce.

Attorney Warren Sacks said he is very pleased FDS was asked to lead this very important meeting.

Mr. Sacks states, “Professionals involved in family law matters must have continued education and training. This annual conference is very important to every person in family law practice.  To to be asked, by the association and our peers, to head up this conference is quite an honor.”

LACFLA President and FDS member Attorney Leon F. Bennett will be joined by FDS members Warren Sacks (CPA), Dr. James Walton (Ph.D.), Professor Kevin Chroman (Attorney) and Stephanie Maloney (CDFP) as presenters. Professor Chroman and Ms. Maloney are co-chairs of this year’s program.

“We have an excellent series of seminars lined up for those participating. I have met with Professor Chroman and Ms. Maloney. They have worked hard to bring a suite of experts to the panels this year. I know those attending the conference are going to come away with extremely valuable information,” Mr. Sacks said.

The conference is not just for attorneys. Anyone who has to deal with family law in the Golden State will find useful information at this conference, he said.

Collaborative attorneys, collaborative financial professionals, and mental health professionals will learn the basics of the art of Collaborative Dispute Resolution.

In particular, the conference will focus on ways to “unwind” relationships without going to court, Mr. Sacks said.

This annual conference is one of the best in California, as ranked by attorney and other family practice associations.

For more information and to register click here.

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