Posts Tagged ‘Collaborative Practice’
Family Divorce Solutions Member Lynette Berg Robe Honored With Prestigious Spencer Brandeis Award
Lynette Berg Robe was honored with the 2016 Spencer Brandeis Award by the Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section. This Award pays tribute to an individual who has had an extraordinary impact upon the advancement of family law by way of creative legal advocacy and commitment to the service of the family law community. It is the highest honor bestowed by the Los Angeles County Bar Association Family Law Section.
Read MoreThe Thistles In Our Collaborative Divorce Garden
In Collaborative Divorce, the attorney’s job is not to undermine opposing counsel, their clients, or their positions. Rather, the lawyer tries to empower his or her own client and foster an environment where everyone including the other spouse can express themselves and reach a settlement in a healthy way.
Read MoreFamily Divorce Solutions Experts Discuss Informed Consent and Decision Making in the Collaborative Divorce Process
Family Divorce Solutions Experts Discuss Informed Consent and Decision Making in the Collaborative Divorce Process Sherman Oaks, California – When clients choose the Collaborative Practice method for their divorce, it has traditionally been governed by specific rules about informed consent to inform the clients making decisions regarding their divorce process options. Professionals currently rely on…
Read MoreRosner Presents Civil Collaborative Options for Estates and Trusts at Statewide Conference
The Civil Collaborative Process presents an excellent option for many types of civil disputes, allowing families to settle difficult issues and help create a path forward to provide a healthier family system, without going to court, with the same benefits as Collaborative Divorce: a resolution with less stress and often, depending upon the case, lower costs than litigation.
Read MoreCollaborative Process Now Offered by Family Divorce Solutions for Estates, Trusts, and Probate Matters
Family Divorce Solutions and Civil Collaborative Solutions of San Fernando Valley can apply the Collaborative model in two different ways to estates, probate and trusts: before death, or premortem; and after an individual’s death, or postmortem. The Collaborative Process can save money on taxes and fees while promoting long-term family harmony.
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