FREE Divorce 101 Workshop – February 21

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Are you going through a divorce and not sure which divorce process is right for you and your family?  Join us for the next Divorce 101 Workshop on February 21 to get answers to your questions and more. Learn more about the workshops and register here.

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What is Co-Mediation?

Woman holding card that says mediation

Co-mediation is often helpful when couples want to avoid court or adversarial litigation and opt to separate using the collaborative divorce process. Not only can marital partners work together in an amicable way using the collaborative divorce model, but they will also have access to various divorce professionals such as divorce coaches, financial neutrals, and…

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What is Traditional Mediation?

Puzzle with puzzle piece that says mediation

A litigated divorce court process is adversarial and filled with tension, distress, time and a great deal of expense to all involved. It often leaves the family unit in tatters. When you choose a collaborative divorce or the traditional mediation process, you and your spouse can resolve your differences amicably and peacefully, which will leave…

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