You Can Divorce Without Leaving Home
It is not necessary to spend tens of thousands of dollars per spouse hiring cut-throat, litigation attorneys and going to court where you can possibly catch COVID-19. In fact, many courts have been shut down during this uncertain time. Instead, YOU CAN STAY HOME and complete the entire divorce process without going to a law office or to court. While you’re at it, save yourself tons of money and the stress by resolving property division, child custody, child support and spousal support rather than fighting in very expensive battles in the courtroom with your ex. Life is stressful enough.
There are different ways to get your divorce completed without leaving home. Learn the ways to do this with an initial consultation via Zoom. The amicable lawyers who are members of Family Divorce Solutions can easily set up a video chat link and e-mail it to you. You can conference in with a peacemaking lawyer who won’t drag you into court. Your peacemaker will educate you on the requirements of the divorce process and give you options to navigate through it. This way you can choose the process that best suits your needs and budget. More affordable options than litigation include the collaborative divorce process, mediation or co-mediation.
The peacemaker who educates you at the initial consultation will describe the collaborative divorce process versus mediation and co-mediation. You’ll also learn what kinds of cases are suitable for a collaborative case and the price range depending on the complexity of the case and the level of conflict. The entire case can be completed without any face-to-face meetings.
If you are considering an amicable divorce, you might want to think about being on the initial consultation video conference together. This way, you’ll both be on the same page to understand the process. You can ring in whether you’re in the same location or in two different locations. From there, your case will be handled by video conferencing, phone, e-mail and US mail.
Initial consultations typically last about 30-60 minutes to educate you on these processes. This includes time for you to ask questions so that the two of you can decide which process works for you and your family.
Leslie K. Howell
Mediator & Collaborative Divorce Lawyer
(626) 351-1200